Dear Friend,
Looking back to December 2019, teens would say we all thought we were “woke” at the time. In retrospect, almost everything compared to today’s situation seemed “basic.” Remember when our conversations were framed around the subjects of family separations, climate change, and the Women’s World Cup was a huge deal? Back then, words like “fact-check,” “fake news,” “micro-influencers,” and “ICE” dominated the media cycle and our vocabulary.
2020 changed everything, including our language.
Today our vocabulary consists of words like Coronavirus, positive test, face mask, essential workers, unemployment, pandemic, the ICU, symptoms, and the different shut down tiers.
As a frontline nurse, working in the clinic and then leading the COVID-19 Team on Wednesdays where we test 700+ community members in a 6 hour period, I can tell you that we are tired. Every nurse, doctor, medical assistant, and front office staff member is exhausted.
Despite all the tragedy, we strive to inspire our community to act and to believe that we can make this situation better if we all do our part. We have faith.
Together let’s end this unprecedented year with hope. Please support our frontline healthcare workers with your actions and with your donation. Donate today!
And, always wear your mask – wash your hands – stay socially distanced.
We collectively appreciate your generosity as we ramp up for a vaccine distribution while we continue to help all of our patients and clients beat this pandemic and remain healthy.
Blessings to your health,
Guadalupe Becerra, LVN
Lead Nurse – COVID-19 Team
Manager, Gardner Health Center
Carmen Gonzalez
Consumer Board Member
Patient Advocate